What are services?

Services are pre-determined sets of instructions that Florence uses to send and collect SMS messages. Each service will have its own unique set of defining characteristics that make it applicable to a particular clinical scenario. For example, a simple medication reminder service only requires that an SMS is sent to the patient according to a schedule.

On the more complex side Blood Pressure monitoring requires Florence to handle SMS prompts, incoming readings, two sets of parameters (systolic/diastolic), multiple levels of alerting plus numerous additional characteristics that make the service safe appropriate for blood pressure monitoring.

Some of the services that Florence handles are:

  • Medication reminders
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Pulse
  • Blood Oxygen
  • Temperature
  • Weight
  • Blood Sugar
  • Peak Flow

Services are clinically approved and set up by the system administrator. When you add services to a patient sometimes one or more services are actually applied to their personal profile in one go.

For example, a service for COPD may add Blood Pressure, Pulse, Blood Oxygen and Temperature. When services are first added to a patients profile, they contain the default parameters approved by your clinical lead and administrator.

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