How do I edit/remove my alerts or one of my Clinician’s alerts?

Both the Clinician and the Admin can edit the format in which a Clinician receives their alerts and they can both remove these alerts completely if preferred.

As an Admin you’d do this by clicking into ‘Clinicians’ and selecting the relevant Clinician. You’d then select ‘Contact Details’ and scroll down to ‘Alerts’ to choose from the options “Email and SMS’, ‘Email’ or ‘None’. As the Clinician you can control your own alerts by clicking into ‘Account Settings’ and ‘Contact Details’ and then scrolling down to alerts. You can then select whether you receive these by “Email and SMS’, ‘Email’ or ‘None’. Both types of users can also opt for copies of these alerts to be sent onto another Clinician as well by clicking into ‘Set Alerts’.

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