I want to change my password?

You can change your password through the “My Account” link at the top right hand corner. In the My Account page there is an item in the left hand menu entitled “Change Password”.

To improve security we use a password algorithm to grade your password. It doesn’t have specific requirements such as upper and lower case, punctuation etc. It looks at all factors.

Longer passwords work better (they are harder to crack), particularly of apparently unrelated words “Pink Fluffy Elephant”. Even better don’t use dictionary words, “Pink Fluffy Elephan” is stronger because “Elephan” is not a word, and therefore less likely to be tried in a hacking attempt. Very complex passwords also work well e.g. “T!4vGP$t “

Either way, don’t use my examples above!

If you have 10 minutes to research we can recommend this discussion on passwords.

This article on creating strong but inspiring passwords is particularly interesting.

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